Release Notes

Version 1.1.630

Release Date: November 21st, 2024
*Some of these changes may have already been implemented if you are part of our Beta Program.
This release includes new features, fixes, and speed improvements in multiple areas of the system.

Fixes and improvements

Compounding Module:

  • We adjusted the design of the measures report to display the information without cutting off any data.

Formulas Module:

  • We fixed an issue that prevented recalculating the ingredient's quantity when deleting one of the ingredients in the formula.
  • When defining the quality controls on final units in the formula, the users have the option to require the quality controls for each batch or every n days. If the option "Allow to override" is selected, the technician can request pharmacist authorization to skip the quality controls on final units.
  • We added more context information to the options in the formula to help understand the functionality and the implications.

Inventory Module:

  • We added a new stock label size of 0.75 x 0.75 inches.
  • We added a new option to calculate the product's default weight by unit or package.
  • The stock calculation is now defaulted by the dosage unit.

Prescriptions Module:

  • In the prescriptions dashboard, under the Cancel Requests, we added an option to select one or multiple prescriptions and cancel them all at once.
  • In the prescriptions dashboard, under the Renewal Requested, we added an option to select one or multiple prescriptions and resend the requests again.

Orders Module:

  • In the orders dashboard, under the In Progress queue, we added an option to select multiple orders and link them for shipping together.
  • The order weight estimate now considers the product default weight by unit or by package.
  • We added an option to override the total price of the prescription in addition to the existing option to override the price by unit and included another option to clear the override value.
  • We created a new order status for "Pending Final Verification" to show all orders waiting for a pharmacist's final verification.
  • We detect now when an order was marked as shipped as an "exception" and allow to revert the status to Ready to Pack or Will Call when shipped by error.
  • When checking for stock availability in the order, it now displays the reserved quantities.

Reports Module:

  • We added a new report to display total sales by therapeutic classes.

eFax Module:

  • Added support to send communication notes by fax.

Other fixes:

  • The communication history in each module was adjusted to now show a list of actions that include: Print Note, Fax Note, Open as PDF, and Discard Note.
  • Adding documents to the Central Fill Pharmacy profile now works as expected.

Version 1.1.620

Release Date: November 3th, 2024 
*Some of these changes may have already been implemented if you are part of our Beta Program. 
This release includes new features, fixes, and speed improvements in multiple areas of the system.

Introducing SiHub

SiHub is a device designed by the Isak Computing team to connect any equipment in the pharmacy with a Serial RS232 or USB connection. This first version will drive a wireless connection with the scales supporting all existing functionality when wired. SiHub includes a battery to guarantee data transmission integrity in case of power disconnection, over-the-air updates, and expansion capabilities for future applications. SiHub is available for all our customers at a competitive price of $150 per device.

Positive Identification Support

The Ohio Board of Pharmacy defines "Positive identification" as a method of identifying a person that does not rely on the use of a private personal identifier such as a password but must use a secure means of identification that includes any of the following:

  1. A manual signature on a hard copy record;
  2. A magnetic card reader;
  3. A bar code reader;
  4. A biometric method;
  5. A proximity badge reader;
  6. A board-approved system of randomly generated personal questions;
  7. A printout of every transaction that is verified and manually signed within a reasonable period of time by the individual who performed the action requiring positive identification. The printout must be maintained for three years and made readily retrievable; or
  8. Other effective methods for identifying individuals that have been approved by the board.

To comply with this requirement, SiCompounding provides a unique PIN identification that can be set up to generate a random four-digit number daily. This PIN can be printed in the form of a QR Code and scanned every time it is required by the system. This method has been approved by the Ohio Board of Pharmacy.
To control the multiple steps in the workflow a Positive Identification is required, we added a new setting under the Pharmacy Settings.

Fixes and improvements

Compounding Module:

  • Performing quality checks on final units is available now for troches, suppositories, tablets, creams, gels, and ointments.
  • We have added a new compounding workflow step to Pre-Check the compounding product before sending it to Quarantine.
  • We have added a new action to allow the modification of the batch size produced to correct the inventory quantity after the compounding has been released. The user will be asked to enter a note that will be attached to the compounding documentation.
  • The compounding document now displays the name of the user who weighted each ingredient, and the pharmacist who verified this process.
  • Update the Auxiliary label to display the correct compounding date.
  • SiCompounding Intelligence verification process was modified to enforce a pharmacy verification when a photo or pick process is required.
  • A new validation was added to check if the prescription is not expired before starting the compounding process.
  • The Scale Internal Calibration and Accuracy Check integration process was adjusted to improve the documented information in SiEquipment.
  • Improve the scale integration speed when combining multiple commands back to back using SiHub.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing setting the Target Weight on the scale when performing the quality checks on final units.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing displaying the scale settings and connection status when performing the quality checks on final units.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the use of the "Start Over" function when performing the quality check on final units.

Formulas Module:

  • Added support for CSP3 referencing by default USP<797> requirements to set the maximum BUD allowed to 180 days when the product is frozen and terminally sterilized.
  • Added support to select USP<51> Antimicrobial Effectiveness test as a formulation quality control option.
  • When copying a formula, the “Medical Justification Required to Prescribe” field now transfers the same value from the original formulation.
  • We added a new option to print the formulation record without including any cost or price reference.

Inventory Module: 

  • We added a new option to duplicate an existing product.
  • Products under the "Same RxNormID" tab are filtered now to only show APIs, Diluents, Excipients, and Bases.
  • Inventory Balance alerts were adjusted to create a purchase request and not trigger the alert if a purchase request was previously created or a purchase order is in progress or pending receiving.
  • Added Flakes as a Dosage Form.
  • Update the Pick Inventory form design to display the stock quantities in the same unit of measure.
  • Update the filter list under the Products Search list to include all product categories instead of only the drug categories.

Purchase Order Module:

  • We added a new option to duplicate an existing purchase order.

Orders Module:

  • We added support to create a customs declaration for international shipping.
  • The discount documentation form was modified to not require a note if the discount reason is selected.
  • We added a new validation to alert that the list price of a drug or ingredient is empty when printing the insurance form.
  • Auto-populate the "To Dispense on" field with the order creation date.
  • Auto-populate Special Shipping instructions from the Patient and Physician profile in the Prick Sheet notes field.
  • We added a new option to revert the dispensing record to "Submit for Verification" status after it has been Filled.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the system shipping defaults from populating on new orders.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the product parcel and shipping service defaults from populating on new orders.
  • Fixed the order status label from "Shipped" to "Picked up" for pickup orders.

Fill Station:

  • When triggering the fulfillment automation there is a new option to select one or multiple records to reprint the prescription labels.

Patients Module:

  • We added a new field under the Patient profile to enter Special Shipping Instructions.

Prescribers Module: 

  • We added a new field under the Patient profile to enter Special Shipping Instructions.
  • When selecting formulas to display in the Prescriber Portal, the list will only show products available for the Prescriber Portal. If the product is not on the list, it needs to be selected to show in the Prescriber Portal under the product profile.

Prescriptions Module:

  • We added the option to enter patient medications when adding or editing the patient information during the prescription intake process.
  • We added the option to navigate to the patient and physician profile from the pre-verification screen.
  • When trying to process an On Hold prescription, the system will display a notification to alert the user about this status.
  • We added the patient notification settings to the Refills Due queue in the prescription dashboard to show if the patient can be contacted by phone and/or SMS.
  • When clicking on the "+ Dispense" button under the prescription details screen, the system will flag any pending IVR refill request as processed.

Reports Module:

  • Adjusted the statistics to reflect the State Surcharge totals.
  • New Reports:
    • Inventory transactions by product filtered by date range.
    • Inventory usage by product filtered by prescription type and date range.
    • Shipping cost and price average by State, Carrier, and Service.
    • Shipping cost and price average by State, and Courier.

Shipping Station:

  • We added a new filter in the "To Pick Supplies" queue to filter orders with only supplies

Pharmacy Settings:

  • New Settings:
    • Option to enable/disable the Positive Identification functionality and control the different workflows it is required.
    • Option to require the offering of patient consultation on each order or only in new orders.
    • Option to alert about ingredient low inventory during the selection of a formulation during the prescription intake process.
    • Option to trigger the "Scan Anything" functionality after an order has been shipped to scan the next order.
    • Option to trigger the "Scan Anything" functionality after all dispenses and supplies have been fulfilled to scan the next order.
  • We added the option to disable unused verification lists.
  • We added the option to inactivate flavors.
  • We added a new setting to manage Veterinary Species.
  • We added the option to add/edit the suppository mold information and enter the mold weight.

Quality Module:

  • The OOS record can be reverted to the previous step when is in the pending approval status.
  • We added a new filter in the OSS list view to filter by progress status.

Other fixes:

  • When entering a communication note, the support document is now linked to the correct environment.

SiEquipment Module:

  • We added support for SiHub settings under each piece of equipment.
  • Scales are showing now the correct location after changing the area in SiEquipment.

Version 1.1.510

Release Date: August 20th, 2024
*Some of these changes may have already been implemented if you are part of our Beta Program.
This release includes new features, fixes, and speed improvements in multiple areas of the system.

Fixes and improvements

Compounding Module:

  • Fix an issue when adding equipment to the compounding record it was asking the user to calibrate an already calibrated scale.
  • Improve interface efficiency and speed during the weighting process.
  • Add a new validation to alert the compounding technician when the related prescription has expired.

Formulas Module:

  • Add the ability to add or edit preparation supplies without changing the formula version.

Inventory Module: 

  • The "Cost Changed" queue only displays active products now.
  • Added support for ScriptPro Integration:
    • Inventory items can be selected to be dispensed in ScriptPro.

Orders Module:

  • Added a new setting when active, it allows users to bypass the Patient ID requirements on controlled substance orders when sending to Pharmacy.
  • Added a new setting when active, it will use the secondary email under the physician profile to send billing information.
  • Added a new setting when active, it will include the order Package Slip in the Shipping Notification email.
  • Added a new setting when active, it will trigger the "Scan Anything" function after the dispenses record is verified.
  • Add a new validation to prevent sending the order to the pharmacy if the Patient or Physician account is on hold.
  • Add a new validation to prevent filling a dispensing record when the prescription has expired.
  • Add a new validation to prevent verifying a dispensing record when the prescription has expired.
  • Fix an issue that under certain conditions was causing the user to close the system after picking a lot number during supplies dispensing.
  • Add action to print the order Package Slip.

Patients Module:

  • Improve the Merge Patients functionality:
    • The matching score was modified to reflect a more accurate percentage of information between records.
    • Users can now exclude records that don't match to avoid false duplicate alerts.
    • Users can now show possible inactive duplicate records to include in the merge process.
  • Added a new setting to set the default "Contact Authorization" value.
  • Added a new setting to set the default "Contact Authorization" to use the patient's Institution setting value.

Prescriptions Module:

  • Directions for use in the prescription label auto-adjust now based on the number of characters.

Reports Module:

  • Update the Staff Metrics report to display metrics per hour when filtering only one day.

Other fixes:

  • Fix an issue when using a template to send an SMS was selecting the wrong template

Version 1.1.500

Release Date: August 12th, 2024
*Some of these changes may have already been implemented if you are part of our Beta Program.
This release includes new features, fixes, and speed improvements in multiple areas of the system.

Fixes and improvements

Compounding Module:

  • Introduce a new step "Pre-Quarantine Check" to be performed by an authorized pharmacist or technician before sending the final units to Quarantine, and verify on the same screen the following steps:
    • Ingredients
    • Preparatory devices
    • Packaging devices
    • Product physical characteristics
    • Assigned BUD
    • Volume and units produced.
    • Bubble point test
  • Add the ability to assign compounding orders to technicians.
  • Add the ability to filter the compounding dashboard by assigned staff.
  • Prevent linking two compounding orders of the same formula but different flavors.
  • For time-sensitive BUD formulations, it shows now "BUD Pending" until the workflow step that triggers the BUD start time is initiated.
  • Improve SureInteligence process and efficiency.
  • Fix an issue that was preventing taking photos under certain conditions.
  • Fix an issue where after scanning an ingredient and navigating to a different ingredient it was displaying the incorrect screen.
  • When using an iPad it will not check for a USB-connected scale.
  • Modify ‘Success Sequence’ logic to not show animation when ‘CountdownDuration’ in the wizard options is set to 0 (zero)
  • Improve the MixPrep process for Capsules to automatically navigate to the next steps during sub-batched creation and quality controls on final units. A new setting is available to enable this automation.
  • A new custom menu is installed during compounding to allow quick actions using the keyboard.
  • Fix an issue that was preventing printing the header of the Compounding log document and not displaying the pharmacy information.
  • When finished verifying all compounding photos and documents the system returns to the release screen.

Inventory Module: 

  • Added the option to select the default storage area when adding or editing a pharmacy supply.
  • Added a new setting to limit the expiration date of a prescription drug to the manufacturer's expiration date or one year, whatever is less.
  • Default inventory count to dosage units instead of package units.
  • Improve the Safety Information module to use default Risk Assessments based on the Hazardous Type, Dosage Form, Product Type, and Manipulation to determine the Risk of Exposure and Risk Mitigation Practices.

Purchase Orders Module:

  • Fix an issue that was displaying the wrong quantity received.

Orders Module:

  • Add an option to set Order as Priority to show always at the top of the queues. A "Priority" tag will display now in the Dispense Record and Order Worksheet print-out.
  • Add the ability to assign selected orders to a staff member allowing the distribution of the workload in the pharmacy.
  • Add the ability to change the expected dispense date of selected orders.
  • When replacing an Order, the process preserves the selected payor in the original order.
  • Added a new setting to allow processing of a controlled substance order and does not require a patient ID until pick-up.
  • When clicking the email icon to create a new email, the user can select from multiple available templates or create a blank email.

OOS Module:

  • Linking-related data is now filtering prescriptions and orders based on the Patient and Physician selected.

Patients Module:

  • When clicking the email icon to create a new email, the user can select from multiple available templates or create a blank email.

Prescriptions Module:

  • Add the ability to assign prescriptions to a staff member to complete the intake process.
  • When canceling a Telephone Rx during intake it will not create a prescription number.
  • Improve the Date validation during prescription intake to display the error message and allow to edit the information after exiting the date field.
  • Add the ability to create a prescription for a Pharmacy Supply.
  • Fix an issue where the drug ordered wasn't displayed during the prescription pre-verification process.
  • Fix an issue that was creating multiple prescriptions when selecting all fax pages as a Cover.

Shipping Station:

  • Add an option to visualize the Print Logs of each order.

Other fixes:

  • Improve the search functionality when linking products to a selected patient's drug information to search by Formula ID / Product NDC.
  • A new custom menu SiC Help was added to access the Keyboard Shortcuts and the Release Notes.
  • Fix an issue that was preventing the export of records to Excel.
  • Added the option to link phone extensions to a terminal computer. When this link is created, the "Who is Calling" and the "Call" functions will default to the terminal attached phone instead of the user's phone extension.

Version 1.1.400

Release Date: July 1st, 2024 
*Some of these changes may have already been implemented if you are part of our Beta Program. 
This release includes new features, fixes, and speed improvements in multiple areas of the system.

ASAP 5.0 Support

Starting July 1st, 2024, Nebraska will use version 5.0 of the American Society for Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP) standard for Prescription Drugs Monitoring Programs (PDMP). SiCompounding now supports versions 4.1, 4.2, 4.2A, 4.2B, and 5.0 to cover all the State's requirements to report automatically the dispense of controlled substances. In this version, users can easily update the PDMP version for each State to meet the announced deadlines.

SMS Communication 2.0

SiCompounding build-in to way SMS communication allows the pharmacy to establish a fast, secure, and efficient channel with Patients and Prescribers, sending alerts and notifications related to prescriptions and orders. You can bring your Twilio number or link your Whippy account to get text messaging to a new level. In this version, users can now create new SMS templates and use them during a conversation. In addition, we updated the user interface of the Chat tool adding productivity improvements.

User's PIN Support

In addition to the user name and password required to sign in, users can now set a PIN that can be used to verify records, unlock the Point of Sale screen, or override the process by a supervisor. PINs can be manually created by a user or dynamically assigned by the system after the first login daily. Users can print the PIN in the form of a QR code to scan when needed.

Introducing Print Logs

SiCompounding now tracks every time a user prints documents and labels. This new functionality allows the user to access the print logs under Orders, Dispenses, and Prescription records, and alerts when a prescription label has been printed more than once.

Fixes and improvements

Compounding Module:

  • After replacing an ingredient and weighing a partial amount, the technician can now select a different lot from the same product.
  • Fix an issue that prevented scanning an ingredient because the product not being linked to a substance.
  • Fix an issue that prevented Cancel a compounding in certain conditions.
  • Fix an issue that shows a Failed compounding under the "In Progress" queue in the dashboard.
  • Fix an issue that prevented resetting a filter in the "In Progress" queue in the dashboard.
  • Addressed a problem where activating the custom lot function resulted in duplicate compounding lot numbers.
  • When using the Pick process, a new validation prevents entering an amount that exceeds the maximum tolerance for the ingredient.
  • Non-used supplies need to be marked as "Non-used" or "Reusable".

Fax Module:

  • Fax numbers are validated now to meet the requirements for a US phone number.
  • A new option was added to discard a failed Fax and stop retrying sending.
  • A new option was added to Resend an existing Fax that failed.

Formulas Module:

  • Update the Formation document to include the cost of ingredients and associated fees.
  • Fix an issue where in certain conditions the complexity and compounding time values were reset to default values when verifying a formula.
  • When submitting a formula for verification, a new validation is checking the bubble point limit is empty if not required.
  • A new functionality was added to enforce a photo of all staged ingredients before requiring the Ingredients Verification. This option can be used with SiCompounding Intelligence to guarantee all ingredients have been weighed using the correct chemical containers.

Inventory Module:

  • When adjusting the inventory, a new validation prevents removing an amount exceeding the selected area's stock.
  • Prevent inventory package from being updated when a product has inventory transaction associated.

Orders Module:

  • A new verification was added to ensure the order can't be moved to "In Pharmacy" if the compounded formula is inactive.
  • Editing a dispensing record already filled or verified is now reverting the status to "In Progress" and the order status to "In Pharmacy".
  • A new setting is available now to prevent an automatic credit card charge when an amount is due after creating the shipping label and shipping the order.
  • A new Dispense label has been designed to allow pharmacies to identify a basket to drive the dispensing process.
  • Fix an issue where in certain conditions linked orders were marked as shipped before dispensing all drugs and supplies.

Patients Module:

  • When processing a Fax as a medical record it will now be attached to the Patient's profile and displayed under the Documents section.

Prescriptions Module:

  • SiCompounding now detects when the Prescriber sends multiple prescriptions for the same drug for the same patient and alerts the technician about this scenario to avoid duplicate dispenses.

Purchase Order Module:

  • The quantity in the Package is now showing in the PO details.

Reports Module:

  • Added Order Number and Patient Name to Transaction Report by Physician.

Shipping Station:

  • A new queue has been added to track orders pending to print.

Other fixes:

  • All data in the system, displayed as a list, can now be sorted by any column.
  • Adjust the Diagnosis search functionality to improve the speed of results.

Version 1.1.310

Release Date: May 23th, 2024
*Some of these changes may have already been implemented if you are part of our Beta Program.
This release includes new features, fixes, and speed improvements in multiple areas of the system.

New Features

Version Notes:

Keeping up to date with all the updates and being aware of all features and improvements introduced in every version is fundamental to getting the best of SiCompounding. Now, under the Help menu, there is a new option named "Version Notes" where you can find the list of recent versions and a log with all the changes.
In addition, when you log in the first time, it will show a window with the version information.

Fixes and improvements

Drugs Information Module:

  • A new section "PDMP Notice" was added to comply with the Oregon Board of Pharmacy requirements to inform patients about reporting controlled substance dispense to the State's PDMP.

Compounding Module:

  • Added option to identify when a Compounding is related to a New or Refill prescription in the Compounding Dashboard.
  • Added option to identify when a Compounding is related to a New or Refill prescription in the Compounding details screen.
  • Improve the Quarantine Test Failure Process when a performed test fails, and properly discard the batch.
  • Notes that exceed a specific length, are now available to view in full.
  • Adjust the Address size Stock label to prevent printing an extra blank label.
  • We added full support for Oahu's Adventurer scales to use SiCompounding's Weight Mode.
  • Add labels to measured pH as "Initial pH" and "Final pH".

Fax Module:

  • A new column has been added to display the Fax ID from the service provider.

Formulas Module:

  • A new option is available to duplicate a Verification List and speed up the verification list creation.
  • When making a Formula inactive, the resulting product becomes inactive. In the case where there is available inventory, it will ask the user if they desire to inactivate the inventory.

Inventory Module:

  • The option to Link a product to a substance has been added to the New/Edit formulary.

Orders Module:

  • Quotes can now be linked to Patients, Physicians, and Institutions.
  • Fix the issue when adding a Credit Card as a "One-time use" from the Order and not displaying as an available card.

Patients Module:

  • Added Somali, Farsi, Romanian, Swahili, Burmese, Nepali, Amharic, and Pashto as language options, to comply with the Oregon Board of Pharmacy requirements.

Prescriptions Module:

  • Adjust the Renew Rx by Phone formulary to prevent Pharmacy Technicians from changing the prescribed drug and directions. In addition, "quantity", "fill days" and "refills" are now fields that will apply to the renewed prescription.
  • Drug strength will now be displayed in the eRx PDF document when available in the Electronica Prescription message.
  • The prescription label has been adjusted to comply with the California Board of Pharmacy to include "The condition or purpose for which the drug was prescribed if the condition or purpose is indicated in the prescription". If multiple conditions are provided the label will display the first one available.

Fill Station:

  • "Courier" or "Pickup" now shows under the Ship column in the Fill Station.

Other fixes:

  • When sending emails with SiCompounding, a new setting was added to include an "Email Confidentiality and Privacy Statement" in each message.

Version 1.1.300

Release Date: May 8th, 2024
*Some of these changes may have already been implemented if you are part of our Beta Program.
This release includes new features, fixes, and speed improvements in multiple areas of the system.

New Features

Merge Records:

Managing duplicate records is a persistent issue in all database systems. No matter how hard we try to avoid this situation, there is always a possibility that we finish with a new version of an existing record. Having a comprehensive process to identify possible duplicate records and the related information in other sections of the system provides a deep insight into the existing data and how to proceed. 

In this version, we are introducing the  "Merge Patients" functionality. We build checks and balances to ensure only possible duplicate records can be selected for this process and created a scoring system to identify the "Main" profile vs. "Duplicate" profiles. 

The process has four simple steps:

  1. Select the "Main" Patient profile
  2. Identify and select the "Duplicate" profiles
  3. Identify and select all related records associated you want to move to the "Main" profile
  4. Run the "Merge Patient" action.

Fax Integration Enhancement:

In this version, we are expanding the capabilities of SiCompounding to cover all options a Pharmacy could use a Fax as a communication option.

Create a Fax:

Creating a fax is now easier than ever, you can start a Fax from a Physician's record or the eFax Dashboard, add as many documents as you need, and we will combine them into a single file.

Request Rx Change by Fax:

Requesting a prescription change to the prescriber and then managing all the requests, has never been easier. A new queue in the Prescription Dashboard is now tracking all the requests with options to resend as a reminder, dismiss the request, and auto-complete when a new prescription is received.

During the prescription data entry, a new option allows to send a fax to the prescriber requesting a "Change" to the original prescription. In addition, you can add other support documents to the request that will be combined into a single fax.

Resend Renewal Request by Fax:

We added an easy option to resend a Renewal Request by Fax. Using the three dots at the right end of the record, use "Resend Fax".

Compounding Production Management (Beta):

If you are part of our Beta Program you will have access to the future of Compounding Production Management. With a simple drag-and-drop interface and  the ability to create custom "queues" for Technicians or Hoods that can be filtered by Sterile, Non-Sterile, Hazardous, and Compounding Status, you can manage the Lab from anywhere.

Fixes and improvements

Compounding Module:

  • The Compounding Dashboard has been redesigned to match other dashboard designs in the system.
  • Compounding Dashboard can now be filtered by Sterile or Non Sterile formulas.
  • Improve the efficiency when calculating the expected release date of compounding under quarantine and as a result, the Quarantine queue on the Compounding Dashboard is loading faster.
  • Add a validation when creating a compounding order and Pack Stat or Blank Base Weight needs to be available for all ingredients.
  • A new validation is now preventing the selection of an ingredient missing the Pack Stats or Blank Base Weight information, to be selected for replacing an ingredient during the compounding of a Capsule, Troches, and Suppositories.
  • The correct units are displayed now when using the picking process instead of the weighting process.
  • We fixed an issue when a number had large decimal points and displayed a "?" instead.
  • Improve error capturing when the scale is not able to stabilize the weight.
  • BUD (required by order) now displays in the top banner of the compounding screen and on the release tab, but it will not be a hard stop. The warnings when selecting a short-dated ingredient will remain.
  • The previous scanned information is now cleared if an error is detected during the scanning process.
  • pH value is now showing on the Compounding final verification checklist.
  • A new label size has been added to print the stock label in the Address 30252 format. 
  • Compounding supplies can picked at any stage of the compounding now.
  • A new setting for SiCompounding Intelligence will allow  to replace ingredients without calling for a pharmacist verification.

Formulas Module:

  • Medical Justification flag can be set at the Formula level now.
  • Remove invalid BubblePoint test requirement if the product is not Sterile.

Inventory Module:

  • A new label size has been added to print the stock label in the Address 30252 format. 
  • Fix an issue where in certain conditions the inventory auto-pick process was selecting an inactive batch and activating it for further use.

Orders Module:

  • Update the order view to display the dispense number and the patient name under the drugs section for physician's and institution's orders.
  • The order billing address can be updated now after the order is shipped.
  • Add the option to copy a shipping tracking number.

PDMP Reporting:

  • We added support for Gabapentin reporting on States where it became a drug of interest as Schedule 5.

Prescriptions Module:

  • Under the New Prescriptions queue, users can now select multiple prescriptions and assign them to a staff member for further processing.
  • A new validation is now preventing a Prescription that needs clarification and is associated with an order already, from being sent to fulfillment.

Shipping Station:

  • Fix an issue when scanning a prescription to verify all drugs are part of the selected order, that was sending the order back to Ready to Ship after Shipped

Terminals Module:

A new section has been added to track all login sessions from the selected computer terminal.

Other fixes:

  • The team member list is now showing active staff members only.

Version 1.1.230

Release Date: April 17th, 2024
*Some of these changes may have already been implemented if you are part of our Beta Program.
This release includes new features, fixes, and speed improvements in multiple areas of the system.

Fixes and improvements

Compounding Module:

  • When the ingredients BUD are shorting the BUD required by the Order, technicians will see a notification alerting for this event.
  • When a pharmacist is verifying the ingredients, there is an option now to not consider the BUD by Order as a restriction to move forward.
  • Adjust the Pick inventory form to select the quantity field after scanning the product.

Formulas Module:

  • When editing a Formula, the user will receive a notification alerting if there is a Compounding in progress.

Inventory Module:

  • Fix a navigation issue when scanning an inventory item and the lot number is not in the system.
  • When a Formula has a flavor option, users can determine if is a water or oil-based soluble flavor.
  • Under Pharmacy Settings -> Codes and Classifications -> SPL Flavors, users can now determine if a flavor is water or oil-based.

Orders Module:

  • Added action to move order from "Read to Pack" to "Ready to Ship" under the Order details at the Pharmacy Station.
  • The "To Call" queue in the Order's Dashboard is now filtered by Staff.
  • Sales Prices are now matching across the Order details screen for the Order Item and the Dispense Record.
  • Shipping a restricted drug to a State will be overridden now when the Patient is picking up the order at the store.

Patients Module:

  • Prescriptions under clarification will show a message under the Patient profile stating the prescription is pending clarification.
  • Prevent Credit Cards from being updated when the last 4 of the CC don't match with the original card.
  • A new action is available now to copy the email from the patient's profile.

Prescriptions Module:

  • Fix an issue when processing an Electronic Prescription, it wasn't capturing the Prescriber License Number.
  • Fax notes are now showing under the Fax history queue.
  • Fix an issue when processing a fax for multiple patients it wasn't creating the prescriptions.
  • Fix an issue when dispensing multiple lots for the same prescription was displaying the wrong quantity on the prescription label.
  • Fix an issue when processing a payment and there a no response from the processor gateway.

Reports Module:

  • Adjust the Return Time calculation for Prescriptions and Orders to exclude weekends and holidays.

Shipping Station:

  • New functionality will required to scan every prescription in the order before shipping. After scanning all prescriptions, the order will be moved from "Ready to Pack" to "Ready to Ship" automatically. This feature can be turned ON under the System Settings -> Pharmacy Defaults -> Orders -> Require scanning all RXs before shipping
  • The patient name for each dispense is now showing under the drug list for doctor's and institution's orders.
  • Under the Supplies tab in the Shipping Station, the Areas filter is showing now only active Storage Areas.

Other Fixes:

  • Fix an issue when using the SiCompounding Web version that wasn't showing the list of non-assigned actions to a profile.
  • Fix an issue, when using the SiCompounding Web version, that wasn't allowed to select the documents category.
  • Fix an issue, when using the SiCompounding Web version, that wasn't showing the date fields in the correct format.
  • Fix an issue, when using the SiCompounding Web version, that was refreshing the entire screen every time a category was selected under the OSS Categories and CAPA Categories on Settings.
  • The documents management section user interface was updated to highlight the selected category and the selected document.

Version 1.1.220

Release Date: April 4th, 2024
*Some of these changes may have already been implemented if you are part of our Beta Program.
This release included new integrations that increase SiCompounding automation capabilities, plus fixes and speed improvements in multiple areas of the system.

Hubspot Integration

HubSpot is a comprehensive inbound marketing, sales, and customer relationship management (CRM) platform designed to help businesses attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. It offers a range of tools for marketing automation, content management, email marketing, social media management, analytics, and more. HubSpot is known for its user-friendly interface and its ability to integrate various aspects of marketing and sales activities into one centralized platform.

When a patient or prescriber is created in SiCompounding, the contact information is synced to Hubspot, and a person's Hubspot ID is linked back to the patient or prescriber record for future use. SiCompounding synchronizes the existing "segments/groups" in Hubspot and can apply that segmentation based on multiple rules like Therapeutical Class, State, or Zip Code.

With this integration, pharmacies can efficiently manage customer relationships, track prescription refills, send targeted promotional offers or reminders, and provide personalized service based on customer preferences and behavior. Overall, the integration of HubSpot with SiCompounding empowers pharmacies to streamline their marketing efforts and deliver better experiences for their customers while driving business growth.

SendGrid Integration

SendGrid is a cloud-based email delivery platform that provides businesses with a reliable and scalable solution for sending transactional and marketing emails. It offers features such as email templates, email scheduling, delivery optimization, and detailed analytics to help businesses effectively engage with their audience and drive better email performance.

By leveraging SendGrid's capabilities, pharmacies can automate and personalize their patient communication workflows, including appointment reminders, lab result notifications, prescription refill reminders, and general health education emails.

Through this integration, SiCompounding can send automated emails triggered by specific events or patient actions recorded within the system, ensuring timely and relevant communication. SendGrid's analytics also enable practices to track email delivery rates, open rates, click-through rates, and other metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of their communication strategies and optimize engagement with patients.

OutcomeMD Integration

We partnered with OutcomeMD and Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding (APC) to create an integration that will accelerate the adoption of this service for APC Facility Members.

When dispensing a prescription, SiCompounding will send the dispense information to OutcomeMD to match the medication and medical conditions with an existing survey and send it to the patient for completion by SMS or email.

OutcomeMD is a patient engagement and outcomes tracking platform designed to streamline the collection and analysis of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in healthcare practices. It enables healthcare providers to gather valuable data directly from patients regarding their symptoms, treatment experiences, and overall well-being, thereby facilitating evidence-based decision-making and improving patient care.

Through OutcomeMD, healthcare providers and pharmacies can customize surveys and questionnaires to gather specific information relevant to their practice areas. Patients can conveniently complete these surveys via a mobile app or web portal, making it easier to collect real-time data on treatment effectiveness, patient satisfaction, and quality of life.

The platform also offers features such as automated reminders, secure messaging, and data analytics tools, allowing healthcare providers to track patient progress over time, identify trends, and adjust treatment plans accordingly. By incorporating patient-reported outcomes into clinical workflows, OutcomeMD helps practices deliver more personalized care, improve patient outcomes, and optimize practice efficiency.

Fixes and improvements

Access Control Module:

  • Access Actions can be added now to the Staff Profile in addition to the ones associated with the Staff Privilege Set Group. This new option allows pharmacy managers to assign special access to a staff member when performing temporary functions, or when the staff is crossing over multiple roles, without the need to create a custom Privilege Set Group.

Compounding Module:

  • The compounding process can be resumed now if the formulation was updated to a new version after the compounding was initiated. A message will alert the user and a pharmacist override will be required to continue.

Formulas Module:

  • Submitting a formula for verification doesn't require now the capsules pack stacks or suppositories and troches blank base weight values if the formulation is "Quantity Driven".
  • We moved the ingredient "Weight Tolerance" field to the information section and added a validation to detect when the tolerance is bigger than the pharmacy default.

Inventory Module:

  • We fixed an issue that was preventing the user from receiving a vial-specific drug for a clinical trial when the barcode included special characters like "-/@".

Invoices Module:

  • Payments can be applied now to the orders associated with the Invoice, marking the order as Paid and linking sub-payments to the main payment transaction.
  • We fixed an issue that wasn't calculating properly the total amount of remitted payments when the invoice had multiple orders associated.
  • When remitting a payment the system will display a window with the progress status. This will prevent the user from thinking the system is unresponsive when processing a payment in an invoice with a large number of orders associated.

Orders Module:

  • Improve error handling to display more accurate messages when trying to create a shipping label and parcel information is incorrect, the shipping address is missing the country value, and the client's email or phone number is not available.

Patients Module:

  • Patients can be selected as OutcomeMD's patients to trigger the integration automation.
  • Inactive Credit Cards won't show in the patient general information screen.

Prescriptions Module:

  • When processing a Fax Prescription, we added a new validation to check if the total pages identified as a prescription match the total prescriptions in the fax.
  • When receiving an electronic prescription for a Clinical Trial patient, the system will use the Notes field and look for the statement "CLINICAL TRIAL PRESCRIPTION" to identify and segment these prescriptions from the rest.


  • A new report has been added to filter all Orders dispensed for Clinical Trials patients in a selected time frame and summarize all drugs including quantity dispensed, dispense date, and shipping method.


  • We fixed an issue that was preventing the display of the staff name in the Time Schedule section.

Verification Station

  • A new "Ready to Release" queue has been added to this Station to show all Compoundings on that status.

Version 1.1.210

Release Date: March 27th, 2024
*Some of these changes may have already been implemented if you are part of our Beta Program.
This release included fixes and speed improvements in multiple areas of the system.

Fixes and improvements

Compounding Module:

  • The "Discard Batch" function is now available when a compounding quality check fails.
  • The waste calculation is now considering the Extra and Overfill quantity by formula.
  • A waste calculation explanation has been added to the compounding screen to describe SiCompounding logic.
  • Improve the ingredients pick process to load available inventory faster and prevent the system from crashing under slow network conditions.
  • When the scale is connected and the compounder is weighing ingredients, the system now prevents the computer from entering sleep mode when idle, and the scale disconnection. This feature is really helpful when users have no right to change the operating system's idle settings.

Formulas Module:

  • The formulation document is now printing the equipment categories under the "Equipment Needed" section.
  • A new section for "Other supplies and tools" has been added to document items other than equipment. Ex: spatula, glassware, ...

Inventory Module:

  • Product photos can be managed now with the ability to determine a default image.
  • Adding a special price for a doctor's office or institution is controlled now by a system action to prevent unauthorized changes. To enable this action on your account, contact your pharmacy manager.
  • Adjusting inventory for a scheduled drug is controlled now by a system action to prevent unauthorized changes. To enable this action on your account, contact your pharmacy manager.
  • When adjusting inventory for a scheduled drug, a note is required now to document the reason for the inventory transaction. 
  • Inventory general notes can be deleted now if not relevant.

Invoices Module:

  • The Invoice History filter is now selecting only client invoices.
  • Invoice information can be exported now to Excel.

Orders Module:

  • A new validation has been added to prevent credit card charges under $1.
  • Added support to include supplies on orders created from SiPrescribe.

Patients Module:

  • New patients can be identified in the system based on the first prescription dispense status.

Physicians Module:

  • New physicians can be identified in the system based on the first prescription dispense status.
  • When inviting a Physician to SiPrescribe, expanded information about the invitation has been added to the physician profile.
  • When inviting a Physician to SiPrescribe, we added support to manage multiple identities when the doctor is working for multiple offices.
  • SiPrescibe access is now disabled when a physician profile is marked as "inactive" in SiCompounding.

Prescriptions Module:

  • Fax documents can be exported in full or on individual pages.
  • Fax documents can be sent by email in full or on individual pages.
  • When processing a fax, a validation has been added to require a patient selection when is a prescription.
  • When entering a telephone prescription special text style like font size or color can be applied to highlight notes in the document.
  • Update the Telephone Refill document to include the patient's address and DOB.
  • Prescriptions pending clarification can be sent back now to the New queue.

Version 1.1.200

Release Date: March 19th, 2024
*Some of these changes may have already been implemented if you are part of our Beta Program.
This release introduces new integrations to continue expanding SiCompounding capabilities supporting new technologies that increase efficiency and interoperability. We included as well fixes and speed improvements in multiple areas of the system.

New Integrations

Vow eFax Support

Isak Computing and Vow Inc. complete the integration with Vow eFax services allowing SiCompounding users to send and receive faxes in the existing workflow. This new integration is expanding Vow services within SiCompounding, and adding to the existing IVR capabilities released on version 1.1.100.

These are some of the features related to the eFax integration:

  • When receiving a fax, users can select individual fax pages to create one or multiple prescriptions.
  • When creating a Fax Refill Request, SiCompounding will automatically create a Fax and send it to the doctor's office.
  • When creating a Transfer Prescription by Fax, SiCompounding will automatically create a Fax and send it to the destination Pharmacy.
  • Users can manage the Outgoing Fax queue in SiCompounding and troubleshoot fax errors.

Fixes and improvements

Compounding Module:

  • Added the ability to specify a compound as a failure when it is OOS. This option is under the “Actions” menu throughout the compounding process.
  • Added the option to designate product waste in the compounding module.
  • The bubble point entry info has been moved to the appropriate screen in the workflow for Sterile compounding.
  • The “Pick” process no longer requires the user to close out of the window used for the weight and photo processes.
  • The interface for finding compounding orders that are in progress has been adjusted and should be easier to use.
  • Compounding BUDs will now consider the BUDs of supplies (bottles, capsule shells, etc.)
  • Fixed an issue where compounded capsules were being added to inventory incorrectly under certain conditions.
  • When switching between tabs in the compounding module, the screen will now default to the top of the new tab.
  • Removed a restriction that prevented completing a compounding when the formula was updated during the preparation process.
  • When taking a photo with an iPad, the camera defaults to the full resolution to guarantee the best quality possible.

Formulas Module:

  • Suppositorie formulas can now use the mold size and the blank base weight of the ingredient to calculate the quantity of active, excipient, and base ingredients.
  • Quantity Sufficient can be measured now in two ways:
    • By weight: the system would require the user to weigh the QS amount using the scale.
    • By quantity: the system will ask for the quantity used and a photo of the final measure.
  • Capsule sizes marked as “Inactive” will no longer appear in the capsule size dropdown menu.
  • Mold sizes marked as “Inactive” will no longer appear in the mold size dropdown menu.
  • Category 3, and Category 3 Extended BUD have been added to the CSP Category options to support USP<797> requirements.
  • Added dosage forms and package data to some formula types that previously did not have any.
  • iU calculations will now use the assay of the individual lot instead of a general iU to GM calculation in the chemical profile
  • Corrected an issue when creating a new formula from an existing one it wasn't copying some values.

Inventory Module: 

  • Purchase orders listed as back ordered can now be marked as received.
  • We have added the option to generate invoice reports and save them as PDF files.
  • SMS notifications to customers when orders are shipped should now correctly send tracking data.

Orders Module:

  • Added validation to alert the user when a flavor option is available in the formula and the patient didn't specify one.

Patients Module:

  • Added the option to enter patient weight by kg or lb.

Prescriptions Module:

  • C2 prescriptions will now default to 0 refills.
  • The Clarification queue can be filtered now by the intake staff.


  • A new report has been added to export invoices to Excel format. It can be filtered by date or invoice number.

States Settings:

  • Shipment of formulas can now be restricted on a state-by-state basis.

Other improvements:

  • Added additional categories in the settings options under “Codes and Classifications to be able to add, remove, or inactivate troche mold sizes, suppository mold sizes, and capsule sizes.
  • Navigation from the Fill Station has been fixed.
  • Corrected an issue where incorrect shipping addresses were being sent on confirmation emails, using the order billing address.
  • Corrected an issue where incorrect payment status was set in the order when a credit card payment failed.

Version 1.1.100

Release Date: January 31st, 2024
*Some of these changes may have already been implemented if you are part of our Beta Program.
This major release introduces new products and integrations to continue expanding SiCompounding capabilities to continue supporting new technologies that increase efficiency and interoperability. We included as well fixes and speed improvements in multiple areas of the system.

Prescriptions Module: 

  • Prescriptions can now be sent back to the New Queue if the user clicks to complete the information by error. 
  • Prescriptions can now be canceled immediately if created accidentally. 
  • Pharmacy labels now print with the Technician who filled in the order and the RPH who verified the order. Each Filling Station can be set with the Pharmacist performing the final verification to display his name on the label to guarantee it is printed before it is verified. 

Orders Module: 

  • Improve the “Send to Pharmacy” process to calculate available inventory faster.

Inventory Module: 

  • Improve Inventory Add/Edit Form to detect if the product information was edited and roll back changes if needed. 

Formulas Module: 

  • Instruction numbers can no longer be duplicated in Formulation. 
  • Equipment listed in a formula will now be copied when the formula is copied. 
  • Additional Properties fields are now required to complete the formula information. 
  • Fixed an issue related to new formula creation from the prescription entry that wasn’t selecting the new product as the prescribed drug. 
  • Fixed issue when using a Tablet or Capsule as an ingredient, to calculate the amount of powder needed based on the unit weight and strength. 
  • Fixed an issue with the formula price that was considering non-prorated supplies in the base cost per unit. 
  • Formula price now calculates a “Cost per Unit for Maximum Batch Size” to help identify the cost per unit when producing the maximum batch size allowed by formulation. 

Compounding Module: 

Introducing SiCompounding Intelligence TM. This new feature uses all interaction data collected during the compound process to detect if a pharmacist intervention is needed. When using SiCompounding Intelligence in the compounding workflow, it will verify compounding steps when certain criteria have been met.

SiCompounding Intelligence TM will follow USP<1163> Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding, and verify the Weight Assessment on final units to accelerate the quality process, saving time and increasing efficiency when combined with the Hood Mode TM functionality.

SiCompounding Intelligence TM will continue expanding to other areas in future versions. 

Other improvements:

  • Improve TPN Compounding interface to add support for Baxter ExactaMix Compounder and B.Braun Pinnacle Compounder in future versions: 
    • Technicians can now set the ingredient position in the TPN machine. 
    • SiCompounding calculates now the number of containers to use per ingredient. 
    • Technicians can now “Exclude from Pool” ingredients that weren’t excluded in the formula. 
  • Created a “Pharmacy Testing” bucket in the compounding orders section for compounds that are being tested internally. 
  • Reworked the sterile workflow slightly so the “Quarantine” process would take place before “Visual Inspection”. 
  • Unused supplies will no longer appear in the compound printout. 
  • Fixed an issue where SiCompounding was unresponsive when trying to connect to scales in the lab. 
  • Fixed an issue where “In Progress” queue filters stop working in some conditions. 

PDMP Reporting:

  • Fixed an issue where the ASAP CDI segment was reporting the wrong quantity when dispensing a non-controlled substance in Nebraska. 

Vow TalkRx Support

Isak Computing and Vow Inc. complete the integration with their Interactive Voice Response (IVR) services.  

  • Users can now “click to call” at any phone number displayed on the screen. When triggering the call, the phone extension will ring and call the number. 
  • Users can now use the “Who is Calling” button to identify the Call ID and look up a Patient, Physician, or Institution profile record. 

Introducing SiPrescribeTM:

SiPrescribe is a prescriber portal that connects with SiCompounding and allows doctors to send compounding electronic prescriptions in seconds. 

Key Features of SiPrescribe: 

  • Pharmacy Formulary Integration: say goodbye to paper forms and errors! SiPrescribe seamlessly integrates with your pharmacy's formulary, ensuring that every prescription you send is compliant and readily available for compounding. You can choose what formulas to display to each provider in SiCompounding, and suggest SIGs. 
  • Instant Prescription Transmission: with SiPrescribe, you can transmit your compounding prescriptions to the pharmacy with just a few clicks. No more time-consuming faxing or phone calls – it's quick, efficient, and secure. 
  • User-Friendly Interface: SiPrescribe is designed with simplicity in mind. Its user-friendly interface ensures that prescribers of all technical levels can easily navigate and utilize the platform. 

Are you ready to experience the benefits of SiCompounding?

SiCompounding isn't just a pharmacy management system; it's a reliable partner that understands your unique challenges and is committed to making your professional life better. We're here to help you provide the best care to your patients while simplifying your daily tasks.


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